Grassy Knoll Outdoor has undergone a change of ownership. All of your favourite products are still available at For the time being the website will remain the same however purchasing is disabled.
SIAC, the touch free timing product from SPORTident, has a small battery inside it that needs to be replaced every 3 or so years. Events that use SIACs should also have a battery check available for participants to check the battery levels of their SIACs. If the battery check signals that your battery level is low then you should get the battery replaced or the touch free functionality may stop mid-race and you'll be left with contact electronic punching only. You may also like to get the battery replaced every 3 years even if the battery check is not yet signalling a low battery.
GKO offers a battery replacement service. You send us your SIAC's by the 1st of December or by the Monday of King's Birthday Weekend and I'll send you back the replacement as soon as it is ready, approximately 4 weeks.
Consider combining your family's, friend's or club's SIAC replacements into one order to save shipping effort and cost.
You must send your SIACs to:
29 Seaview Terrace
Mt Albert
Auckland 1025
ph: 0272918222